Rishiram Shikshan Sansthan Sr.Sec. School Joshiyara Uttarkashi

Year of Establishment


Affiliation Type

Senior Secondary level



Affiliation No


School Code




Mr.Ganpati Prasad Jaguri


From the Founder’s desk

Dear students, parents, staff members and well-wishers,
It gives me a great pleasure in extending a warm welcome to all our students, parents, staff and our greater school community. Rishiram Shikshan Sansthan is a school rich in tradition of excellence. We must remember that education is not about scoring marks. It is always about personal growth. So that best student is not one who gets maximum marks, but the one who learns every day. Education should be practically useful, providing us guidelines on how to live better. Ultimately education does not teach us about life. It is life. That is why education should not be subject driven, it should impart life skills. Chief among them are values. To know the significance of punctuality, cleanliness, honesty, courage and services is to be truly educated. Once embedded into our character and instilled into our personality, they will sparkle in every word we speak and shine through every act we perform. May the achievements and the philosophy of our school bring you pride of the past, a vision for the future, but most importantly, a motivation to achieve in the present.

Mr.Arvind Jaguri

Managing Director

From the Manager’s desk

With kind blessings of Almighty God, Rishiram Shikshan Sansthan has completed 29 years of successful operation and is heading towards its 30th year. In these years the school has won social recognition of a reputed English medium school in this region with proper infrastructure for learning, although there is much to do. Our basic focus will be always to improving quality of education. We firmly believe that our energetic team will prove and win all these challenges. Being the Manager of this school, it is a huge responsibility on my shoulder to fulfill all the expectations of society and my father “Pt. Ganapati Prasad Jaguri” who is the founder of this school and it is a dream project of his. He always believes that one of the best ways to serve the society is to educate the new generation. I want to assure the students, parents, guardians, and all my well wishers who always supported us in every situation that the entire team of Rishiram Shikshan Sansthan will remain dedicated to keep this growing trend of improvement consistent in the years to come.
